Refund Policy
In the event that you have received an incorrect item or a damaged item, we will provide you with a return shipping label after requesting a photo of product received. The item must be shipped back within 3 days or the return will become invalid. We will not reprint return labels after the 3 day period. If you are unable to send the item back, you will need to notify us within the 3 day period following the return label being sent to you.
We do not do returns for the following reasons:
wrong size ordered by customer / images are printed blurry after no contact about updating images due to low resolution.
If you need to return an item, please contact us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.
We DO NOT offer refunds on DTF Prints!
We preview and review all images and gang sheets prior to printing. If something is wrong with an image or gang sheet we will notify you within 24 hrs of receiving your order. If we do notice something we will contact you via email. You will need to respond within 3 business days to either replace the images or go ahead with the print.
If no response is received within 3 business days we will print your order AS IS. No refunds are to be processed.